I broke MTS if you update it (so, probably don't) & can't really push a fix until Kada wakes up, I'm sorry, there is a fix here if you inadvertently click the update button:
This will force clear MTS's old/stale cache of requester review data & make it update to the new formatting. Really sorry for the hassle, I tested a lot of fresh installs of MTS but unfortunately this is specific to upgrading old/pre-existing installs.. the unseen bug is the deadliest.
- Navigate to HIT Finder: chrome-extension://iglbakfobmoijpbigmlfklckogbefnlf/hit-finder/hit-finder.html
- Bring up the console (F12 or Control+Shift+J or Right Click->Inspect)
- Look for & select "Application"
- Select "IndexedDB" in the left hand pane
- Click "requesterReviewsDB"
- Click "requester"
- Click the "clear object store" button

This will force clear MTS's old/stale cache of requester review data & make it update to the new formatting. Really sorry for the hassle, I tested a lot of fresh installs of MTS but unfortunately this is specific to upgrading old/pre-existing installs.. the unseen bug is the deadliest.
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