Try Crown Apple with Ginger Ale.
girly and i had it here with faygo rock n rye last god that was amazeballs
Tells me not to listen to all the boozy sexy talk
Says things far more traumatizing
go on.......
wingwomen are great its why i don't mind the occasional friendzone. just adds a potential wingwoman to the list...or she gets jealous setting you up with other girls and decides to give you a shot...ezpz
this is acually how i dated one of my ex-gf, im a BIG guy and she was always getting guys bugging her, so she asked me one day to go to the bar and watch her....
Coconut oil is good for pretty much everything. That's all I'm gonna say about that.
yup, granted the friction makes it some uses....
I refuse to believe anyone actually uses a whip for anything but putting their own eye out
ex from years back had a whip (and then some) fetish, i learned to use one fairly well, was really amusing to me
*drinks another crown and faygo*
i get wordy when im drunk