TO said about an hour. A miserable hour. I returned it.Anyone have a time for this UCL MetaLab 4 dollar dealio?
What should I mix my vodka with? All I have in the house is Diet Coke and Airborne.
Kool Aid.What should I mix my vodka with? All I have in the house is Diet Coke and Airborne.
Moar vodka!What should I mix my vodka with? All I have in the house is Diet Coke and Airborne.
dont do airborne. a screwdriver it does NOT makeWhat should I mix my vodka with? All I have in the house is Diet Coke and Airborne.
Taco bell!Pizza or Taco Bell?
What should I mix my vodka with? All I have in the house is Diet Coke and Airborne.
Pizza.Pizza or Taco Bell?
Have you tried mixing Vodka with.....Vodka?What should I mix my vodka with? All I have in the house is Diet Coke and Airborne.
Mexican pizza @ Taco BellPizza or Taco Bell?
Have you tried mixing Vodka with.....Vodka?
Yeah, I'll probably drink it neat.Have you tried mixing Vodka with.....Vodka?
thank you kind stranger..TO said about an hour. A miserable hour. I returned it.