This dude better not reject after subjecting us to all of these little "look at me, I am very special" snowflakes. I think I'm going to do a mock video on Q&A on YouTube.
"You guys, let's do a video all about how great and unique I am! Okay, question 1, (that I totally made up with a fake twitter account because no one actually asked me anything when I told you all to ask me things),
'Hi CatWhiskers! HUGE fan! I never miss an episode, you're my favorite YouTuber in the whole world, omg like you're so funny and everything! So, anyway, like, um, do you, like, have a favorite book? Love ya loads and stuff, DogFace101'
"OMG, DogFace, that was such a great question! I do have a favorite book, but it took me a really long time to discover it because I am a sensitive artist. No one understands me. In my videos I make allusions to books that nobody else has read, Music that nobody else has heard, And art that nobody else has seen. I can't help it Because I am so much more intelligent and well-rounded than everyone who surrounds me."
(special thanks to King Missile)
Edited: Wow, I can't spell.