I dunno. I’m looking forward to the meteor shower this weekend though
A couple of local astronomy clubs and the museum of science and industry throws a special star party for the Perseid shower. They do 2, one in each direction from town to get out of the major light pollution (still isn't
that dark on my side
). Several people set up big telescopes at interesting objects and you can look at them and talk to people. I really like it and I don't really go out much, especially to something like this. Of course its Oregon, so certain enhancements are legal and well you can't smoke in public.. (legally) but no one gives a care much from what I've seen as long as you go a bit away from the crowd and aren't an ass. Anyway.. we've seen so many great meteors, a couple of big ol fireballs, I think one lasted 7 secs iirc. It was dope. I totally forgot about it this year, it was probably a few days ago or maybe tonight. nvm I just looked and it is Sunday. I'm totally going. Dang my brain is toast from penny hits today I'm about to cap out never done that.