So, I'm feeling like I could nap.
Been up for 4.5days with 2 15 minute naps. My sister has given up taking care of her child so, the duty is lovingly forced on me

FTLOG she sucks.
I almost slept last night. Got to sleep at 12 am. Woke up 15 minutes later to my nephew, who should be in bed, kicking walls because he was upset about his mom. I understand frustration. But, you can't drop your kid off somewhere and not leave any method of discipline!
A day in the life
She says, "just call me if he gets upset."
"No. I'm not going to let a 7yo run me around for sport. He won't talk on the phone."
"Just put in on speaker"
"He left the room"
"Just follo..."
"Let me stop you right there. No. Get the fuck over here and take care of your child! AND, he doesn't need anger management counseling. He's pissed because you're never home for him. And that's a valid complaint! You both need family counseling because he doesn't trust you."
"Don't tell me how to raise my child!"
not raise your child."