If I weren't reading pretty steadily on another screen, I wouldn't have made it through the last 4. If I sat back to watch it, it would have been a good show to sleep to.

The last 15 minutes were simultaneously the best and worst bit of the series. It was space, finally but, it was in realtime. Things that are dull on Earth are slow AND dull in space. Especially when there are no malfunctions. Space is tranquil but, tranquil isn't always good tv, imo. There's not much to see until the last episode so, you could listen to it while doing other things. Then you could watch the last episode. But, even then, there's no huge payoff, just a premature one at the end, which is the end of the beginning. And, if they don't do a second season, you'll never get that payoff. May want to wait until season 2 is announced and almost to air. Then you could binge season 1 with a clear goal of being prepped for season 2. Otherwise, there may be no point, other than the last half episode. Unless you are really into one of the actors and a huge drama fan.