Okay, I feel better now.Baby, what about mewoingtons.com?

Okay, I feel better now.Baby, what about mewoingtons.com?
without lube or condoms? *coughs*I feel like I just got violated by Angela.
:ave:without lube or condoms? *coughs*
O.O@<Gucci>, what's going on with those tags? o_0
Ash's day (hour 1).......@<Gucci>, what's going on with those tags? o_0
You guys have been great. You're not super strict about "spamming", you're not mean to n00bs, you answer all questions, and you're entertaining. It makes turking a LOT more fun and feel less like a chore. I'd probably still be doing p9r's making 50 cents a day and have 100 rejects by now if I didn't join.@Lauren caught on to all of this quick didn't she?
I quit smoking, but I started drinking coffee daily again... I'm still unsure about the decision.8. Coffee ready>Smoke time
It's the least of my vices. I can always replace coffee with tea but I prefer coffee.I quit smoking, but I started drinking coffee daily again... I'm still unsure about the decision.
I quit smoking, but I started drinking coffee daily again... I'm still unsure about the decision.
Good trade. Coffee can be good. Cigs never are. I may be biased.I quit smoking, but I started drinking coffee daily again... I'm still unsure about the decision.
I quit smoking, but I started drinking coffee daily again... I'm still unsure about the decision.
Where is the MTC wine compound going to be?
Now I treat caffeine like a drug and take it moderately and do not like when people are extremely dependent on it (like they can't even function without it), but if you're using it to replace smoking, it's definitely betterI quit smoking, but I started drinking coffee daily again... I'm still unsure about the decision.