Feedbacks welcomed! Install an app on PC/Mac & Android Mobile for 3 days ($3 + $12 for follow up weeks)


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Dec 14, 2020
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Hi Turkers,

I am a researcher and I would like to solicit feedbacks and promote a new HIT that may be of interest to you. This is a series of 5 HITs that will pay $15 in total over 3 weeks. In the first HIT ($3), you will be asked to install an app on both your PC and Android mobile phones. In the second HIT ($3), you will install a Chrome Extension that moderates your social media usage (e.g. may stop you from using social media too much). If you keep both the app and the extension, we will issue $3 per week just for a quick 1-minute follow-up survey weekly for the next three weeks.

Part 1:

Part 2 (you will be invited if you successfully completed part 1):

This study will collect your productivity pulse on your computer and your phone, and record the time you spent on different applications. I am a researcher from a renowned university and I treat your privacy extremely seriously. You will not need to register for a personal account, but I will provide a pre-registered account for you to sign in. Here is our privacy policy: (please copy this URL, can't post links as a new account here)

Note the following requirements:

  1. You must have an Android phone as your main phone. If you do not use the phone at all, I cannot detect the installation of the app and thus will not approve the HIT. The bar is fairly low though.
  2. You must use the Chrome browser exclusively on your computer for three weeks (starting from the first HIT).

I am very responsive to any questions or concerns. I would love to pay and recruit serious participants who may be interested in the study. The relatively low approval rate shown on MTurk was due to because I did not specify a master qualification on MTurk when I first posted, and a lot of Turkers did not read the instruction at all and did not install the software.

You can read reviews from workers here: (I am a relatively new requester so there isn’t much review yet, but in total it should take you less than an hour to complete all the HITs across three weeks).

Please search for “Install an app on PC/Mac & Android Mobile for 3 days ($3 + $12)” on MTurk. It will require a master qualification, HITs approved > 1000, approval rate > 95%, primary mobile phone is Android and aged between 18-35.

Please feel free to contact me at And all feedbacks are welcome! Thanks in advance.
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Jan 12, 2016
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Hi Turkers,

I am a researcher and I would like to solicit feedbacks and promote a new HIT that may be of interest to you. This is a series of 5 HITs that will pay $15 in total over 3 weeks. In the first HIT ($3), you will be asked to install an app on both your PC and Android mobile phones. In the second HIT ($3), you will install a Chrome Extension that moderates your social media usage (e.g. may stop you from using social media too much). If you keep both the app and the extension, we will issue $3 per week just for a quick 1-minute follow-up survey weekly for the next three weeks.

Part 1:

Part 2 (you will be invited if you successfully completed part 1):

This study will collect your productivity pulse on your computer and your phone, and record the time you spent on different applications. I am a researcher from a renowned university and I treat your privacy extremely seriously. You will not need to register for a personal account, but I will provide a pre-registered account for you to sign in. Here is our privacy policy: (please copy this URL, can't post links as a new account here)

Note the following requirements:

  1. You must have an Android phone as your main phone. If you do not use the phone at all, I cannot detect the installation of the app and thus will not approve the HIT. The bar is fairly low though.
  2. You must use the Chrome browser exclusively on your computer for three weeks (starting from the first HIT).

I am very responsive to any questions or concerns. I would love to pay and recruit serious participants who may be interested in the study. The relatively low approval rate shown on MTurk was due to because I did not specify a master qualification on MTurk when I first posted, and a lot of Turkers did not read the instruction at all and did not install the software.

You can read reviews from workers here: (I am a relatively new requester so there isn’t much review yet, but in total it should take you less than an hour to complete all the HITs across three weeks).

Please search for “Install an app on PC/Mac & Android Mobile for 3 days ($3 + $12)” on MTurk. It will require a master qualification, HITs approved > 1000, approval rate > 95%, primary mobile phone is Android and aged between 18-35.

Please feel free to contact me at And all feedbacks are welcome! Thanks in advance.
I don't have masters (masters likely means that the worker has been kicking around mturk for awhile and 'won' the lottery :). It also means they are protective of their account (and not a scammer).

But if I did have masters, I wouldn't install an app on my phone. I'm sure others will :). But as you might know, turkers have been used before when they have left themselves open like that.

Best of luck with your research


New Member
Dec 14, 2020
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jan @jan

Thank you Jan for your feedback! I understand it may sound a bit intimidating to install softwares from random requester online, especially on your phone. I will try my best to relax this requirement and only install software on PC.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2016
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This is a few months old but I'm going to speak up about installing software on any platform:
It's a 100% no from me.
If you want someone to test an app or install some random extension, build a simulator and put it somewhere. Google does this regularly. No matter what a Requester might say, it's a very real threat that someone might steal personally identifiable information whether or not it's obvious and that is a clear violation of Amazon's AUP.