A captcha alert means the script tried to accept a hit and it was asked for a captcha which it can't do. It will pause the script so you can try to accept a hit and fill in the captcha. After you can unpause the script and it will accept hits normally. This only happens for people who are not masters. Doesn't matter which hit a captcha was received because it will show up on any hit. Some people have a hit they can accept fast so they can fill in the captcha, return the hit and then continue the script. Other people turn off the captcha alert in the general options and have another script handle the captcha because it sometimes will happen after a certain amount of hits. I don't get captcha's so I can't test or tell you the best way to handle it.
Thanks, but I know all that stuff ... since I get them I know how to handle them (with aid of
) and then clicking the unpause PC button.
My question was about whether PC can record (say in the Accepted Log) and tell me which HIT it was attempting to accept when it happened. In some cases this is very useful information since if you miss the boat on accepting a HIT due to a Captcha
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coitus_interruptus, you might as turn that PandA off for the rest of the day. As you have pointed out to us many times, active PandAs are key resources and an allocation problem, so turning off useless ones ASAP is key to greater $$ success.
The one I'm thinking of pays much more than the batch HITs I'm doing while I wait to find out if I got lucky that day. The timing is somewhat uncertain as to when it's posted. But I've had cases that I missed it due to a Captcha, and it's really irritating!
I will be happy to test this, should you choose to work it in, since you don't get them. But the code is there to detect them and give us the unique crow sound effect that so amuses children of Turking parents, so I'm hoping it's a relatively trivial enhancement.
However for mucho extra credit

and this is probably much harder/involved, the whole issue of knowing how many HITs till you will hit one (even if it's just your best esitmate) would be very useful. This is somewhat hepful
though truth be told when doing batches I don't see the info. I have another script from
that I think typically hides (skips over) the count.
For those of that use your Helper Scripts, maybe something useful could be added (as an option) in visually that counts the number of HITs accepted since the last Captcha. Even just the count accepted since last captcha would be MUCH better than nothing. This could be printed in your depiction of my queue as (or ON) the first line (since one's queue during batches is likely much longer than the space allocated for that display and printing the number of each line while interesting, doesn't emphasize that the "hiden" end of queue is near a "braking point.") ... or maybe on the "title line?"
I think most of get 35 HITS between them, though I've heard claims of some much more often for unknown and unsubstantiated reasons. I think there was an option somewhere such that you could set your "default number" (e.g., 35) for the scripts. Anyway, the ultimate is a countdown to 0, but even just a countup (with reset on the Captcha) would still be a big win.