Been quiet for a while, but have some updates: is the only fountain running at this time. I've been learning more code and will soon be completely updating the website.
This new site will a blog related to other ways to make money online with a faucet system built into it.
The above is an example of the new layout. People will be able to log in, you can set their roles as users, admins, authors, etc, leave comments, play games with your faucet earnings, view listings of other faucets, chat, etc. There will be a feature built in to let you mine via your browser if you want for an increased payout
The one shown will be for blockchain and cryptocurrency related information (including mining how 2 videos, trading news, etc). If this content management system works out well I may also sell it to anyone interested. I've seen some OK custom faucet scripts but nothing like this so far
I don't really trust these satoshi faucet websites. I joined one called (look it up the website is now a blog) and I had lots of unclaimed satoshi. They usually have a minimum amount you have to reach before you can cash out.
These faucet websites disappear all the time without a trace. Usually after you get tired of using them and before you get a chance to cash out.
A person will make more being legitimate than they ever will scamming people